Which Late-Night Host Does Donald Trump Hate Most? ‘They’re All Equally Bad.’

As he’s apt to do, Donald Trump played some of his greatest hits Monday afternoon. No, not of the musical variety (that was later in the day).

Appearing on the Nelk Boys “Full Send Podcast,” Trump was asked to share his thoughts on late-night TV, and he gamely agreed. The former president has made no secret of his contempt for late night’s current crop of hosts, who launch finely-tuned verbal grenades his way from their monologues most weeknights.

Jimmy Kimmel is a loser,” Trump began. “We would do Jimmy Kimmel—I did him a lot. He used to greet me on the sidewalk outside of his studio. I’d come in—this was before politics, of course. But I’d come in and he’d be standing on the sidewalk, ‘Oh sir, may I bring you in?’ He’d bring me in every time. And then I ran for politics and I never got involved with him much.”

Not that he’s singling Kimmel out (this time). “They’re all equally bad,” Trump said.

When the topic turned to Jimmy Fallon, Trump returned to the famous hair muss of 2016. “Jimmy Fallon asks me if he can do one thing: could he can play with my hair. And I said ‘What do you want to do that for?’ ‘I want to see if it’s real.’ ‘It is real,'” Trump recalled telling Fallon. “‘But if you have to do it, you can do it.’ So he didn’t just play, he puts his hand in my hair and he went crazy. And the audience went wild, and they loved it. And that was the end of that, and it played, and he got very high ratings on the show.”

“Six months later, he stood up, he was… the radical left went after him because they ‘humanized’ me. And six months later, he goes up… he goes up on the show and he said ‘I’d like to apologize for doing that. I didn’t realize I was going to humanize him.’ He was a nice guy. He was doing badly, but now he’s doing much worse. He lost his whole audience when he did that.”

As for Stephen Colbert, “All he does is talk about me,” Trump said. “I don’t watch it, but all he does is talk about me. Did you ever hear of ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’? He’s got it, more than… Well, Kimmel has it, too.”

“I don’t know. They get paid, I assume a lot of money. I could get guys for 75,000 bucks a year that have far more talent than him. As an example,” he said, motioning to the three podcast hosts, “any one of you… Greg Gutfeld is the only one that’s got talent. He does have talent. He’s got an amazing talent.”

It’s been eight years since Trump last apeared on one of the traditional late-night show, but his September visit with Gutfeld was quite the barn-burner, driving record ratings for the Fox News late-night styled show, which airs at 10pm ET/7pm ET.

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