Taylor Tomlinson’s After Midnight Wardrobe Is All the Rage on Reddit—And She’s Here for It

“Some late-night hosts worry about ratings and ad sales. Not me,” Taylor Tomlinson told After Midnight viewers on Thursday. “I wake up in a cold sweat like, ‘Is Reddit user 21puppets gonna think my blazer is mid?’”

Tomlinson was highlighting a recent post on the r/AfterMidnight subreddit, in which a user created a ranking of 30 outfits the host has worn on the show. (The user also set up a template so that fellow fans can share their own opinions on the host’s wardrobe.)

“There’s only one opinion that matters,” Tomlinson said at the top of the show. “The only one I care about is this random guy on Reddit who has been ranking my outfits.”

The ranking lists her outfits according to what appears to be a rather unscientific scale: Elite, Goated, Respect, Mid, and Nah.

“I’d make fun of this,” Tomlinson noted, “but this person clearly has watched every episode of the show. So I think I might be in love?”

Despite the possible love connection, Tomlinson got in a couple shots of her own. “Seems a little f***ed up to do to the only woman in late night,” she said. “Luckily, our research team made one of all the men’s fashion in late night.”

Tomlinson then showed a graphic of Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers, John Oliver, Jimmy Fallon, and Jimmy Kimmel—all in suits, all ranked as “The Same.” (To be fair, Meyers made a very conscious decision to ditch the semi-formal wear after coming out of lockdown—which annoyed John Mulaney enough that he staged a suit intervention on Late Night in 2022.)

The After Midnight subreddit has been a particularly active corner of late-night fandom, which isn’t surprising for a show built around the internet. The Reddit community has been referenced on the show in the past, so Tomlinson is clearly paying attention.

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