David Letterman was back on TV last night, and true to form, he brought his own desk piece.
During an appearance on TNT’s Inside the NBA thursday, Letterman presented a series of ideas for how the NBA could improve game play.
If you’re thinking that sounds a lot like the set up for a certain signature bit from Letterman’s two late night shows, you’re not alone.
“Is this anything like the top ten list?” asked Kenny Smith.
“Why would you say that? Would it be bad if it was?” replied Letterman.
The veteran late-night host went on to list a number of, shall we say, out-of-the box ideas for how the game could be changed to make it more exciting, including the addition of new 5- and 10-point lines, and team mascots getting all foul shots in the fourth quarter.
Our personal favorite: Letterman’s proposal to redesign the court to include two extra baskets. He brought a diagram:

Did you do that freehand? Is that your artwork?” asked Ernie Johnson.
“That’s all computer stuff,” responded Letterman.
Letterman has been shooting a new season of his Netflix series My Next Guest Needs No Introduction in recent months. At the conclusion of his segment, Johnson let slip that we might soon see Letterman sit down with fellow Inside the NBA host and NFL great Charles Barkley.