Seth Meyers Turned a Late Night Blooper Into a Moment of Gratitude

Seth Meyers took the latest Late Night blooper as an opportunity to voice his appreciation for one of his most beloved staff members.

The hiccup, which aired on last night’s Late Night with Seth Meyers occured when Meyers was about to launch into his scripted intro “A Closer Look.” Pausing for a moment, Meyers can be seen looking camera, apparently distracted by a minor behind-the-scenes commotion. “Wally, you were like, having a full conversation,” Meyers says to his cue card guy, Wally Feresten.

“The cards fell down,” explains Feresten—who, pro that he is, is already holding the cards up again.

“That’s like, your full nightmare, Wally,” a shocked Meyers jests. “Because, Wally—don’t take this the wrong way—when the cards fall down, we no need Wally.”

“Hey, Wally’s here, but no cards!,” Meyers imagines someone saying. “Well, don’t let him in!”

While Feresten rolled with the punches as always, Meyers then took a moment to get sincere about Feresten, with whom the Late Night host has worked since his earliest days on Saturday Night Live.

“Hey, buddy? You’re also my touchstone and I couldn’t do this without you,” Meyers tells him.

When Feresten assures him that all is well, and Meyers can continue with the show, Meyers is jokingly taken aback. “Are you telling me to move on?,” Meyers asks. “Every now and then, I forget who’s in charge.”

Feresten runs a tight ship on NBC’s late-night shows, but very once in a while mistakes happen—and given their longstanding friendly rapport, Meyers makes sure to call them out.

A few months ago, a missing word and a typo made it onto the cards. Several weeks later, a completely blank card wound up in the deck. “Oh my god—that’s the most exciting thing that ever happened,” Meyers shouted when he spotted the rare flub. “In this crazy new era we’re living in, we’re going to enjoy everything that goes wrong.”

Feresten described what it’s like to be called out by Meyers on national television in a recent reader Q&A column for LateNighter. “I think it shows how cool and relaxed Seth is that he’ll make a joke out of the situation instead of getting annoyed or stopping the show to do a retake,” he wrote.

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