Season Finale Time for Last Week Tonight

John Oliver and team have a history of bidding farewell to sh*tshow years in epic fashion, and with this weekend’s Last Week Tonight set to be the show’s last until 2025… well, don’t say we didn’t warn you.

HBO has been mum on what the show has planned for its Season 11 finale this Sunday, November 17, but if last week’s post-election episode is any indication, it’s not likely to be very uplifting.

Oliver spent the month leading up to Election Day taking a hard look at some of Team Trump’s biggest lies and most damning policy proposals for a second term, ending the show’s final pre-election episode with an impassioned plea to stop the madness and vote for the (far) lesser of two evils.

We all know how that turned out. Oliver returned last Sunday with a sobering look at how we got here, what happens next, and what we can do about it. It was an episode that broke from the show’s usual format, and changed—if only for a week—HBO’s YouTube strategy as it uploaded the entirety of the episode, which was essentially one long main story.

Considering the clown cavalcade of cabinet nominee announcements that have rolled in over the last few days—and the fact that Oliver won’t be back on the air until after Trump’s inauguration—the president-elect seems likely to continue to get at least partial focus in this Sunday’s episode.

And although Oliver generally isn’t one to do what’s expected, we wouldn’t be surprised if this week’s show includes some kind of callback to the conclusion of the show’s third and seventh seasons, which both saw Oliver bid good riddance to the years of 2016 and 2020 in truly explosive fashion. Time will tell. 

HBO hasn’t yet released a date for Last Week Tonight’s Season 12th premiere, but it’s expected sometime in February.

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  1. Albert says:

    Oliver is lucky it’s his finale period ..he probably will touch upon some cabinet post. other than this he really would have little content from Washington to play off of for the next 2 months
    I have been watching him since season 1, in short cause I like to hear the other sides feedback of weekly events ,with a little slapstick thrown in. certainly I would never wish to be a part of the liberal left . left news programs otherwise are a torture to view and listen to.
    Oliver will certainly have enough to manipulate for his 2025 opening show in Feb.