Jimmy Kimmel Live! has found its Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The show debuted ats latest political impression last night, lampooning RFK Jr by way of a new character: “RFK Jr Junior.”
The new face came at the tail end of Jimmy Kimmel‘s monologue Thursday night, in which the host recapped the second round of Kennedy’s confirmation hearing to become Donald Trump’s Health and Human Services Secretary.
“You can’t get a straight answer out of Robert Kennedy Jr,” Kimmel began the bit. “But you might be able to get one from Robert Kennedy Jr. Junior, who we’ve invited to join us tonight.”
Kimmel’s RFK Jr Junior bears a striking resemblance to RFK Jr, but while he’s a got a normal-sized human head, it sits above a tiny, shirtless puppet body. The effect is
In his debut appearance, RFK Jr Junior greets Kimmel from atop a pharmacy counter, where he’s busy eradicating various products from existence, from prescription medications to over-the-counter sunscreens.
“I’m in CVS, getting rid of all these poisons that you call medicine,” he tells Kimmel (whom he initially mistakes for the voice of his brain worm).
One of those alleged poisons, RFK Jr Junior says, is lupus medication. “If you did your research, you would know that lupus was bioengineered in the Froot Loops factory. It’s right in the name,” he alleges. (Half of the comedy comes from watching the human-dummy hybrid struggle to pick up pill bottles with his fake hands.)
“SPF is a hoax,” the uber-tan RFK Jr Junior tells Kimmel at another point. “I’ve never worn sunscreen a day in my life, and look at me. Don’t I look healthy?”
Elsewhere in the sketcg, he announces his intent to take on “big aqua,” introduces his pet hawk Deathwing, and drinks a baby chick smoothie (garnished with a mouse tail). Before the bit ends, RFK Jr Junior’s exchange with Kimmel touches on two other areas beyond the politician’s unique health habits: the Kennedy curse and his alleged prior relationship with political writer Olivia Nuzzi.
“Kennedys never die,” the character tells Kimmel. Then, after mistakenly sending Kimmel an inappropriate photo meant for “a reporter I know [who’s] smoking hot,” RFK Jr Junior flies off with the aid of Deathwing.
Jimmy Kimmel Live! has created a stable of political impressions in recent years, regularly bringing in performers to play figures like former Democratic VP nominee Tim Walz (Andy Richter), California Governor Gavin Newsom (Josh Meyers), and Trump crony/MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell (James Adomian).
Who was playing him?
I was trying to find that out too. I was thinking Ty Burrell maybe?
Go away Kimmel. You and your show sucks. You wish you were half as funny as Gutfeld.