HBO’s Last Week Tonight is known for its deep dives into important stories that are often off the beaten path, but as Donald Trump and Kamala Harris head into the final stretch of their respective campaigns, John Oliver and team are turning their focus to the story everyone’s talking about: The election.
Oliver touched on the show’s plans in a new episode of The Daily Beast Podcast with his old Daily Show colleague Samantha Bee and Daily Beast chief content officer Joanna Coles.
As Oliver explained, this past week’s Last Week Tonight episode, which focused on GOP efforts to subvert the 2024 election, is the first of three election-themed episodes that the show has planned.
Of the election subversion episode, Oliver said “It felt like it was worth trying to get all of that into one place—the extent to which all the claims of noncitizens voting are absolute horsesh*t.”
“There’s a couple more things like that we’re working on in the run up to the election where it feels like trying to meet the biggest lies at face value and pull them apart,” he added.
Sadly we’ll need to wait a week for part 2 of Oliver’s lie-swatting election episodes. Last Week Tonight is on break this week. It’s set to return for its two new election episodes on October 27th and November 3rd.
The show will also be producing a new episode the week after the election—on November 10th. As Oliver put it to Bee and Coles, ”What we’ll do [then] will depend on how [the election] goes.”